or just iso

  • b. 15. of June 1999
  • height: 1,85
  • hair color: everything on the PALETTE
  • birth sign: gemini
  • grew up in: mecklenburg-western pomerania
  • being: creative
  • can do’s: Photos, Videos, Editing, Cutting
  • can’t do’s: Running, Sit Ups
  • pet: yes
  • name of pet: Thomy
  • name of my car: Teslana
  • hobbys: connect with interesting peoples
  • fav Book: The Wizard of OZ
  • dreamjob as a child: Police officer
  • Describe yourself in 1 sentence: I give a
    f*** about what everyone thinks of me as a person, i am me, that’s my quality.
  • Slogan: Being different is what draws attention.

photographer > videographer > creative director

10 + 12 =